Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Sun : The True Story

The Sun is the source of our heat and energy.

It also has many other health benefits.

Sleeping is better regulated when you get regular sun exposure.

Vision improves with exposure to sunshine.

Your body's best source of Vitamin D is from sunshine.

So why do so many people hide from the sun? Well, we've been told, by people who are supposed to know, that the sun is dangerous.

We hide behind hats, glasses, sunscreens, long-sleeve shirts, etc.

On a major news source the other day, they interviewed a mother who was a skin cancer survivor. She also happened to be a dermatologist. It was so sad to see how phobic this lady has become of the Sun. She uses all kinds of sunscreen and sunblock sprays and lotions, both on herself and her children. Then even after that, they must wear hats and long sleeves.

She testified as to how dangerous the Sun is. She knows, because she treats people regularly who have skin problems caused by the Sun. How does she know they were caused by the Sun? Well, we know that the Sun is radiation, and that some forms of radiation on the skin cause free-radicals. Free-radicals cause destruction. The Sun is always around, doing it's thing. So it must be the cause. Simple logic.

But if the Sun causes skin cancer, then why are there so many people who spend lots of time in the Sun, but don't get cancer? We are supposed to believe that they have 'lucky genes'.

If you have followed my writing for very long, you know that genetics is one of the very weakest links for health problems. For more on genetics, go HERE.

If bright sunlight is bad for your eyes, then why do people "Sun" their eyes to improve their vision?

The truth is that the Sun is very good for your health. Sun exposure helps you to sleep better at night. Sun exposure helps the eyes to be healthier. Sun exposure causes the body to make the very best kind of vitamin D, which is proving to be an important nutrient to avoid many diseases.

What are we missing? As always, the key to healthy living is a healthy lifestyle.

As with anything else, Sunshine can be dangerous if overdone or done badly. For instance staring directly into the midday Sun with your eyes opened can burn your eyes. But if you "Sun" your eyes regularly with your eyes closed most of the time, it can be a great boon to your vision.

If you spend lots of time in the sun, but your diet and skin care practices aren't adjusted for it, then you can get bad sun burns, which can contribute to the eventual development of cancer. But if you eat well (including lots of healthy fats), and use coconut oil on your skin regularly, you can spend much of each day in the Sun and not have any problems.

Coconut oil, used both internally and externally, helps the body to use the goodness of the Sun without negative side effects. Note that coconut oil should be applied on the skin about 20 minutes before going out into direct sunlight, so that it has a chance to soak into the skin. You don't want fresh oil sitting on top of the skin with a hot summer Sun beating down on it. I'm sure you have heard of boiling in oil. But once the skin has absorbed most of the oil, it is protected, and the oil in the skin actually helps the sun to create vitamin D in the body.

Lack of sunshine is just as dangerous as too much.

So many people with depression would be helped immensely just by getting more sunshine.

The sun helps to boost the immune system to fight off colds or infections.

Wearing dark glasses all the time, desensitizes your eyes to light. Thus leading to poorer vision.

Constantly wearing sunscreens or sunblocks keeps you from forming that very important vitamin D. It also keeps you from forming as many free-radicals, which actually are an important part of the immune system. Not to mention the damage that can be done to your body by many of the chemicals that are used in those sprays and lotions. The chemicals are actually much more likely to contribute to cancer than the Sun.

Even if you are "Sun-phobic", try to get at least 10 minutes of Sun each day on bare skin.

The Sun is not a curse, but a blessing! Use it wisely.

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