Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Fat Related Deaths?

You may have seen a story about fats, saying that thousands of lives could have been saved if people had eaten the right fats. Now, while I believe that this could be true in one sense, it is not true in the way it is being portrayed in the news.

This is another example of bad research. Don't worry, no one died because they didn't get enough Omega-3 fats. Yet the researchers say that Omega-3 deficiency causes more deaths each year than breast cancer.

This was simply a mathematical model applied to assumptions about health and death related to the amount of Omega-3 fats in the diet. It is one of those "decide what you believe, then show the results as if that belief were true" studies.

I'm sure it was interesting for the math majors involved, but it had no root in reality.

The sad part is that now supplement pushers are trying to use this information to sell more Omega-3 supplements, making you assume that in order to save your life you need to get more Omega-3s in your diet.

The truth is that we do need good fats in our diets. Eating wholesome foods containing good fats, can indeed improve health and even save some lives.

However, concentrating Omega-3s in a supplement and ingesting them can actually be dangerous. It is an overload of Omega-3s that the body was never intended to handle.

Many people today have become fat phobic. That is very sad. The more fat-free junk that gets consumed, the more obese the nation becomes. Fat is a very important part of a healthy diet. Fat is required by the body in order to metabolize and eliminate excess bad fat in the body.

The key is to eliminate bad fats, but increase good fats. OK, here is the list.

Bad Fats: Hydrogenated fats of any kind. Fat from meat, (it actually used to be good, but these days it is too filled with chemicals). Corn oils, soy oils, cotton seed oils, and canola oils are negative polyunsaturated oils that should be totally avoided.

Good Fats: Virgin Coconut oil, avocadoes, nuts, raw milk, butter and eggs are good fats that can make a wonderful difference in your health.

Bottom Line: If you are getting fat in your diet by eating whole foods, it is generally good for you. If you are using an extracted and processed vegetable oil, or foods that were made with them, it is generally bad for you.

Beware bad research. It has led many people astray. Read "Understanding Science" to make yourself more aware, and avoid being led astray.

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