Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wellness Secrets Revealed

"The Dependables" is a new book. It is an easy read packed with valuable information. Its subtitle is "Wellness Secrets Revealed".

I'm sure you have heard the term "wellness" being thrown around all over the place. It has almost lost meaning, it is used in so many places now. Here, we are given a new definition of what true wellness is. We learn the difference between health and wellness.

This book also gives a step by step guide to determining for yourself what your symptoms could mean, and what type of doctor you should see according to your particular situation.

It is a common-sense approach to understanding how to get yourself on a path of ever-increasing wellness. The author shares many of the secrets he learned while going through school and learning how the medical industry works. He also shares secrets learned from the alternative medicine practitioners.

Doctors and patients alike should appreciate this book. It can help doctors be better doctors and patients be better patients. And as you change your lifestyle according to the plan laid out in this book you will have fewer and fewer health related problems.

Welcome to the world of "True Wellness"!

To learn more, or to get the book GO HERE.

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