Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Flu Deaths : More information

I don't like to blog repeatedly about the same things, but with so much about swine flu in the news, and so many people concerned about it, I thought it important to keep you up to date.

We now have more information on the deaths that have been blamed on swine flu. It appears that the opinion I gave you was right on the money. People are not dieing from the swine flu, but with the swine flu.

The swine flu is milder than influenza, and much less deadly.

Strengthen your immune system by :
Avoid vaccines (they weaken the immune system)
Avoid processed sugar (weakens the immune system)
Eat fresh raw whole foods (strengthens the immune system)
Drink plenty of clean water (allows the body to function optimally)
Get a good nights rest each night (strengthens immune system and allows healing)
Think positive thoughts (builds immunity)

For the latest on swine flu deaths click HERE.

The swine flu is basically a non-issue for those with the sense to live a healthy lifestyle.
In fact it is basically a non-issue for anyone. Compare the number of swine-flu deaths reported in the last year, with the 36,000 deaths that we are told happen every year from influenza.

Of course, that 36,000 number is made up as well. There is no data to back it up.

If you have any questions about any of this, be sure to ask. Would love to hear from you.

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