I am always recommending that people eat whole foods for optimum health. Let's take a look at WHY.
Natural foods are full of all kinds of nutrients to build and to heal the human body. Mankind has discovered many delicious foods to eat. We have also decided that some parts of some plants are much better than other parts.
When I talk about whole foods, I'm not talking about eating the pit of an avocado, or your peach pits either. I'm talking about using the wholesome goodness of the plants that we have discovered can be eaten easily by most people without causing any problem.
I'm not saying to eat the stalks of the wheat plants that we get our grain from, but eat the whole grain to get all of it's goodness.
The biggest problem that I see with our food supply today is that much of the goodness that exists in our food is being processed out of the food before it ever gets to our mouths.
The Creator made food that makes our bodies grow and thrive. When we process out the sweet part, or the soft part, or the sticky part, (depending on what our desire at the time may be) we are destroying the balancing abilities of food. Natures foods have the ability to balance all the functions of the human body. All of our health problems today are caused by (and worsened by) imbalance.
For instance, one of the most prevalent ingredients in food today is wheat. Now that would be great if it was always using all parts of the grain. Wheat is one of the very best foods that humans can eat. The problem is that nearly every product that you find in a normal grocery store that contains wheat, only contains a small part of the wheat.
Our modern day processing destroys about 100 nutrients that existed in the whole wheat grains.
Then the manufacturers add back in about 8 nutrients. This allows them to call it "enriched".
These wheat products are toxic to the human body. Not because the wheat was bad to start with, but because the resources in the wheat that allow the body to digest and ingest this food have been removed. So, instead of being building blocks for the body, it is a sludge that the body has to try and eliminate from the system.
When the body doesn't get the resources that it needs to digest and use our food, it tries to pull those resources from other places. If it can't find the resources to do so, it just puts the sludge aside, with the hope that it will get the resources it needs later to deal with it.
This is why the body stores fat.
If it can pull the needed resources from another part of the body, it often will. Thus causing other weaknesses in the body.
When people recognize that there is a problem with their bodies, they then usually try to do something to solve the problem. However, because most people do not recognize that not eating whole foods caused the problem, they don' eat well to solve the problem.
Instead they hope to give the body resources in a pill or powdered form, so that it can do the things that it needs to do to take care of the problem.
Sometimes, this works... temporarily. But because it does not solve the original problem, it can not be a long term fix.
Pills and powders are by their very nature imbalanced. That is why they ultimately can only make matters worse.
If you look around you will see many people who are taking all kinds of pills and potions, but they continue to run into all kinds of health problems and challenges. So then they look for the next great supplement that will take care of their latest concern.
However, these concerns can never be fully satisfied until the return to eating whole foods.
Whole foods can re-balance all the systems of the body. They have all the resources the body needs.
Man-made pills and potions can never do the same, simply because we still lack the knowledge to know what all of those resources are. Let alone what mixtures and and in what quantities are needed for balancing the body.
Science continues to discover more and more substances found in whole foods that do amazing things for the human body. But we really have no idea how to micro-manage such a complex system as the human body.
The best way to get a well balanced mixture of all that is good for the body, is too eat a variety of whole foods.
To allow the body all the resources necessary to live a long healthy life, eat whole foods, get fresh air and sunshine, exercise regularly, sleep regularly, and forgive and give thanks.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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Thanks again very the very useful information! So I've changed my diet significantly over the past 3 months and am really trying to switch over to whole grains completely. Can you give me an example of the meals that you eat for a day or two? An example to go by would really help.
So true! You know, this is why obesity is such an epidemic today. People have no idea what is in (and what is missing from) their food. Eating what is available from either restaurants or packaged, processed foods is a sure plan for excess weight gain, along with all the health problems associated with it.
I would love to see what your typical daily menu is too!
Awesome blog Lane, unfortunately not too many even know or believe!
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