Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Interesting Facts About Earth

Here are some interesting facts about earth that might surprise you. Hopefully they can also help you to have better health.

Earth was made for mankind.

The earth carries an electrical charge that imparts positive life-giving vibrations to things that are grown in it, as well as to spring waters that come out of it.

People who grow gardens and work in them, have greater health than those who do not. There are actually organisms in the soil that help the human body to thrive. We don't get these when we eat too much processed and/or sterilized foods.

Another reason that working in the earth is healthy for you, is that when you make contact with the earth it electrically grounds your body, and cancels out many of the negative free radicals that can cause you problems. It is a better anti-oxidant than any pill you can take.

A contributing cause to so many of our health problems is that we are shielded from the healthy vibrations of the earth. We wear rubber soled shoes that insulate us from the earth. We hardly ever go barefoot anymore.

Go ahead and walk around barefoot in the grass, or in the sand. Wade in a stream or river. Put your hands down into the soil to work your garden. You are getting healthier by the minute. No wonder those activities make us feel so good!

There are companies that will sell you products you can sleep on or under that will ground your body while you sleep. But if you just get outdoors most days and make skin-to-earth contact, you may be surprised at the boost you will get.

The other consideration is that all of our modern electronic gadgets seem to operate at frequencies that are negative to the health of the human body.

I highly recommend getting something like a Q-Link to help shield your body from the negative effects of using your computer, riding in a car, sleeping next to an electrical alarm clock, or using a cell phone. As well as all the other electrical gadgets we use these days.

Get yours HERE.

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